CFD at S & C
S & C Thermofluids has a wealth of experience in the application of computing techniques to fluid flow and heat transfer engineering. The company applies two general purpose CFD codes - FLUENT and PHOENICS - supplemented with 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Complex 3D meshes are produced using Pointwise.
The following capabilities of CFD have been utilised within S & C's work:
- Compressible flows
- Complex grid generation
- Chemically reacting flows
- Transient analysis
- Porous media
- Buoyant flows
- Rotating flows
- 2D/3D problems
- Turbulence modelling
- Two phase problems
- Conjugate heat transfer
- Particle tracking
- Free surface flows
To bolster the pre- and post-processing activities for all its analysis codes, S & C uses the FEMSYS engineering software. In particular, the software is coupled to S & C Thermofluids' infrared prediction software - FEMVIEW IR which allows the thermal energy emitted by an object to be predicted.
The company uses highly developed interface software - Phirefly (by Fluxion Ltd) to transfer CAD and analysis data across a range of formats (for example FLUENT, PATRAN, Parasolid, PHOENICS).
Typical applications of S & C's analysis capabilities have included:
- Chemically reacting exhaust gas models
- Thermocouple transient response analyses
- Explosion models
- Catalytic converter models with light-off
- Flows within and around buildings
- Aircraft, missile and helicopter heat transfer models
- Processes involving non-Newtonian fluids
- Nuclear power plant safety
- Cylinder head cooling