Company Profile

Thermofluids is the study of fluid flow and heat transfer. In very many engineering applications as well as in nature, thermofluid phenomena are the main processes by which systems operate. Examples vary from the flow of blood through the heart, through the deposit of chocolate into a mould to the heating of the space shuttle as it re-enters the atmosphere. Understanding and controlling thermofluid phenomena is key to the successful engineering function.

Since 1987, S & C Thermofluids has strived to provide fast flowing solutions to thermofluid challenges in engineering. The company combines its range of engineering tools - both computational and experimental - with the expertise of its engineers to develop engineering products and systems.




Innovative ideas take shape on screen using Computer-Aided Design packages, creating 3D models of the item being developed.

S & C uses multi-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics packages to a wide range of applications and undertakes consultancy in CFD modelling as well as providing codes for external use.

The current day rate for CFD and Design work is £1005.




Conceptual designs are manufactured into reality by S & C's highly skilled Stobart Division.

Engine Test Facilities

Beck Lab

Other Capabilities

S & C strives to match its computational capabilities with cost effective experimental facilities. Measurements include thrust, pressure and temperature.

The current day rate for technician work is £592.


Innovation is a major part of S & C Thermofluids' approach to finding engineering solutions. S & C holds IPR for both hardware and software relating to the study of fluid flow, particularly for aerospace and land-based vehicle problems. The company has over 20 granted Patents, some of which have been obtained jointly with customers, including:

  • Compressed air nozzle
  • Catalytic converter
  • Coanda Thrust Vector Control
  • Marine thrusters
  • Aircraft noise suppression
  • Shower ejector
  • Chocolate treatment


© S & C Thermofluids Ltd 2024

S & C Thermofluids Ltd

The Old Tannery, Kelston, Bath, BA1 9AN
Tel: 0117 932 7378 Fax: 0117 932 9652